The Ross Sea is the most remote and historic region of Antarctica accessible by ship via New Zealand. It is the furthest south one can travel by ship and the closest coast to the geographic South Pole. The Ross Sea was the jumping off point for explorers during the heroic era of exploration and the race to the Pole. The region is home to historical sites including Shackleton’s, Scott’s & Mawson’s huts. The Ross Ice Shelf is the largest body of floating ice in the world with dramatic ice cliffs rising a hundred feet out of the water. It is also home to McMurdo and Scott Research stations. Guests may have the chance to see adelie and emperor penguins, whales and sea birds. Most trips to the Ross Sea also include a stop at the sub-Antarctic Islands of New Zealand, which are teaming with unique wildlife. The Ross Sea is very heavily iced so no specific itineraries or landing sites can be guaranteed in advance.